Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Colorado Camping Trip Pictures

The Calvary Baptist Youth Group made four camping trips to Colorado from 1967 to 1970. Here are some of the best pictures from those trips. You can also see more pictures on my Facebook page, or at

This picture is a classic and can be expanded by clicking on the photo. The Loveland Pass sign was on top of the pass at the summit of the old highway heading west. Several years after this picture was taken, the Eisenhower Tunnel was opened on Interstate 70. No longer must vehicles climb to the top of this beautiful vista to travel to the western slope.

Adventure was the name of the game! Here is one of the WWII surplus M37 "personnel carriers" that Pastor Don Nelson made available to our group.

Pastor Roger Creamer was our daily Bible teacher on the trip. What a beautiful classroom!
Wherever there is a youth group you will find a bathroom.
Hangin out in the Rockies -- 60s style.
Remember Jim Branemen's hearse?
...and Papa Shouse's field kitchen?

1 comment:

  1. Colorado is great place to go camping

    looks like you had a lot of fun
